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  1. Complete the order form above

  2. Your new CRM account will be created

  3. Check your email for your login credentials

  4. Click on the link in the email & complete the form

  5. Schedule your Success Call on our calendar

Frequently Asked Questions...

Do I have to manually enter my past customers?

No! One of the most convenient features of the RBA CRM is that we can easily export your entire database of past customers and import them directly into the CRM. (customers without email addresses will not import)

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Does the RBA CRM automatically sync with rForce?

At this time, it does NOT. This means that you will need to enter the names/emails of your new customers/appointments manually for now.

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How much, on average will I spend per month?

This will obviously vary from PC to PC, depending on how many past customers you have and how frequently you message your database. On average, however, current Project Consultants are spending about $20 - $25 per month in marketing costs on top of the monthly fee to access the software.

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How much time does it take to manage my CRM?

Once you get into the swing of things, you can create contacts, result them, and set a measure/install appointment in less than five minutes. Get into the habit of doing this at the same time you result in rForce and it's quite simple. After that, it takes about 5-10 minutes per day to stay on top of your installations, measures, HOA requirements, and measure summaries.

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I'm not technically-inclined. What if I need extra help?

I get it. New technology can seem overwhelming. However, we've all adapted to rForce from EnabledPlus... This platform is really not much different. I will help you get everything setup initially. And, I will also have an entire library of instructional and tutorial videos available 24/7 in the CRM University. You also have access to my live team for support 24/7. If you can answer a measure summary, you can certainly run your CRM!

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Why do we need a "new" marketing phone number?

In order for the CRM to send SMS/text-messages and pre-recorded voicemails to your customers, we need to have a phone number associated with your account. You can get almost any area code you want. Once setup, the system will track virtually everything that gets sent to customers, as well as their reply texts, emails, and phone calls/voicemails.

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How do we maintain the proper communication compliance?

The CRM platform has built-in functionalities that always allow for our customers to opt-out or unsubscribe from receiving communication from you at the push of a button. Compliance is a huge deal, and we want to make sure that we aren't violating any rules or guidelines. Additionally, your database of customers is scraped daily against our Do-Not-Call, Do-Not-Email, and Cancelled Sales lists. Follow the recommended best-practices and we will create and keep happy customers, prospects, and referrals.

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Everything You Get Today...

  • DYNAMIC Web-Based Client & Referral Manager

  • UNLIMITED Clients/Referrals/Key Referral Partners

  • UNLIMITED Automated Follow-Up Campaigns

  • PERSONAL Branded Online Referral Center

  • OVER 50 Pre-Built Plug-and-Play Campaigns

  • OVER 10 Pre-Built Custom Pipelines

  • DONE-FOR-YOU CRM/Referral Account Setup

  • LIFETIME ACCESS to the CRM University Library

  • FREE BUYER'S GUIDE Personally Branded to You

  • ONLINE CALENDARS for Booking Appointments

  • MOBILE APP for "On-the-Go" Client Communication

  • STATIC WEB CHAT to Engage Your Online Visitors


  • EMAIL MARKETING (broadcast & automated)

  • SMS/TEXT MARKETING (broadcast & automated)

  • VOICEMAIL MARKETING (broadcast & automated)


"I’ve been using Dave’s CRM for just a few months and it’s been amazing!! It’s already helped me generate over $70k in repeat sales. Plus, I’ve got another 5-6 customers that I’m talking with right now about their next phase. I have really enjoyed the automation!! I’ve gotten text messages from customers stating that they love the updates on how things are moving with their project. I wish I had this tool years ago because it’s going to help me generate more repeat and referral business because my customers feel more informed about their projects!"

-- Brian Pugh


"This system is amazing. I've been using it since it's beginning and in one sale, it paid for itself for a whole year! RBA CRM has taken such a load off my shoulders and is making communication with my homeowners efficient and easier than ever before. It's a no-brainer to implement this in to your business!"

-- Ty Davis


"I used Constant Contact for years, with very little response, and very little results. I just started using the RBA CRM this month, and I already have 2 direct repeat sales, and I have about 6-8 other repeat sales in process. This is exactly what I was looking for to automate my communications to customers. I can't wait to see the positive affects this will produce over the long term. I love it!"

-- John Phillips


"The CRM Dave has developed has been excellent in the automation for my new homeowners and current homeowners. For new homeowners I meet with, it's been helpful with receiving reviews. In doing a re-engaging campaign with current homeowners, in less that a months time, I have sold two for $34.3K that I wouldn't have had otherwise. With this automation, I am very confident in providing even better service to my homeowners."

-- Rod Horrell